Dispatches from campus… Continue Reading
Nota Bene

Dispatches from campus… Continue Reading
Thoughtfully shaping our future… Continue Reading
If you have published a book within the past six months or have one coming out in the near future, please e-mail the editor a high-resolution JPEG of the cover, along with a 50-word-or-less description of the book and its publication date. magazine@trinity.utoronto.ca CHRISTINA CAMERON ’67 La Convention du patrimoine mondial: La vision des pionniers examines the 1972 establishment of the UNESCO…… Continue Reading
From catching up with former classmates to mentoring the next generation of leaders, the launch of Trinity’s new online social network makes it easier than ever to stay connected to College life.… Continue Reading
The Rev’d Christopher Brittain, Trinity’s new Dean of Divinity on the complex relationship between theology, tragedy and culture.… Continue Reading
Thank you for the more than $5.5 million you have given to the College this year!… Continue Reading
1915-1919. The joys of simple pleasures—holiday dances, outdoor skating parties, scrumptious 15-cent coffee cakes—and the harsh realities of the First World War: In this issue we share the memories of former St. Hilda’s student Margaret (Winter) McDougall ’19… Continue Reading