Category Archives: Past Issues

Photographic memory

Photographic memory

Harriett Goldsborough ’55, shared this memory. Despite becoming adept operators, she, along with pals Ann and Margaret (pictured), Mary F. Williamson ’55 and Marion Magee ’59, never used their switchboard skills again.Continue Reading

Book it

DENNIS BERK ’90. In Déjà vu Lusitania, Louise reveals to her shrink the explosive mystery behind the Lusitania’s tragic demise as she relives her experiences on the liner’s fateful final voyage in 1915. Join her on a trans-Atlantic journey in the gilded age of ocean travel.Continue Reading

Trinity students: What are they thinking?

Trinity students: What are they thinking?

Tradition and change. Sooner or later, every Trinity student faces the competing demands of these two very different masters. And as a brand-new student survey reveals, that challenge may be greater today than ever before. The College’s first-ever student experience survey yields fascinating insights into today’s students.Continue Reading

The Trinity Book Sale turns 40

The Trinity Book Sale turns 40

Surrounded by filing cabinets filled almost to capacity with newspaper clippings, archival material and photo albums, Friends of the Library founding member Helen Bradfield, recently retired Trinity librarian Linda Corman, and current Friends president Kathy Girvin gathered in the Friends of the Library office at the John W. Graham library to speak about the 40th anniversary of the Trinity College Annual Book Sale and how far it’s come.Continue Reading

Ten minutes with John Papadopoulos

Ten minutes with John Papadopoulos

Ahead of his first term, newly appointed Nicholls Librarian and Director of the John W. Graham Library John Papadopoulos (JD ’93, MISt ’97; U of T) talks about his new role and new Friends, and hints at what might be revealed in the library’s next chapter.Continue Reading

Nota bene

Nota bene

Ignatieff family history, Order of Canada appointees, student awards and other dispatches from campus.Continue Reading