Category Archives: Past Issues

Mind, body and spirit: Innovative approaches to health and wellness

Mind, body and spirit: Innovative approaches to health and wellness

Trinity has made a concerted effort to improve the psychological well-being of its student body. The change is happening on every level—from new forms of counselling, to widespread awareness training, to ongoing student consultation. One positive aspect of this crisis? People are talking about the issue, in ways they never did before.Continue Reading

Fond Farewell

Fond Farewell

While wood chopping is not part of the official job description for Trinity’s Bursar, it’s just one (particularly literal) example of the type of hands-on Bursar Seaborn has been for the College for nearly 26 years. And since log-splitting skills won’t be expected of his successor after he retires this June, catching a fleeting glimpse of Trinity’s woodsman may soon be a thing of the past. Geoff Seaborn ’73, however, is not likely to be forgotten.Continue Reading

Alumni at Large

Alumni at Large

In 2004, on my first day of retirement after 13 years as Trinity College’s Dean of Women, I marked Canada Day with Haitian sugar cane cutters and their families on a batey, or sugar plantation, in the Dominican Republic. I had come to shadow and interview them as part of my research for Sugar: A Bittersweet History (Penguin, 2008), and to tell their unique stories.Continue Reading

Nota Bene

Nota Bene

Dispatches from campus Selfless selfies   Strategic Plan   Margaret MacMillan to speak at Spring Reunion   Elevator construction   Herma Joel retires   Trinity courses in Orthodox Christianity   QE II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship program   Rhodes Scholars   Robertson Davies’ Book of Common Prayer    From the Archives Student-led “Selfless Selfies” raise $1,100 for Syrian refugees The Trinity…Continue Reading

Class Notes

Class Notes

Wedding Corner The Trinity Chapel was under construction when I arrived at the front doors of the College—the first in my family to attend university! The Rev. Peter Trant, a friend of mine from Scouting days in Toronto, was already at Trinity and had encouraged me to enrol. That first day, I was met and…Continue Reading

Provost’s Letter

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past 18 months, it’s that Trinity has a unique—and strong—identity. That fact was reinforced for me over and over again through the consultations that helped to inform our new strategic plan. I am very proud of our plan. It was truly a community effort, drawing on input from…Continue Reading

Book It

DOMINIQUE BRÉGENT-HEALD ’95 Borderland Films examines the intersection of North American borderlands and culture as portrayed through early 20th-century cinema. Drawing on hundreds of films, it investigates the significance of national borders; the ever-changing concepts of race, gender, and enforced boundaries; the racialized ideas of criminality that painted the borderlands as unsafe and in need of control; and the wars that showed how international conflict influenced the United States’ relations with its immediate neighbours. (University of Nebraska Press)Continue Reading