Wedding Corner: Darcey and Dawn Lazerte

Who is both a father and a son of Trinity? Darcey Lazerte. A three-time Trinity graduate, adjunct faculty member and Chair of the Trinity Divinity Associates, Lazerte’s connection to the College is so strong that he and his wife, Dawn, named their first daughter Trinity.


Who: Darcey Lazerte ’94, ’96 (MDiv) and ’13 (DMin) and Dawn (Alexander-Wiggins) Lazerte

When: May 5, 2005

Where: The Trinity College Chapel (of course!)

Who else was there: Scott Ball ’94, Mark Hillier ’94, the Rev. Lyndon Hutchison-Hounsel  ’92  (MDiv), the Rev. Christina “Chris” Hutchison-Hounsel ’92 (MDiv), Kathy Novis ‘97 (MDiv) and the Rev. Tim Novis ‘93, ‘96 (MDiv).


From the groom: “Having already completed two degrees at Trinity, including my undergraduate and Divinity studies, I knew I had to show the College to Dawn once our relationship got serious. For her part, Dawn immediately liked the neo-Gothic architecture (which is a nice way of saying the Harry Potter-feel of the place) and as a lifelong Anglican found the chapel to be a place of serenity and peace.”


After Dawn said yes to my proposal in the Trinity Quad, there was no doubt as to where our wedding would take place. In fact, the College meant so much to us that we named our first child together Trinity.


Who is both a father and a son of Trinity? Darcey Lazerte. A three-time Trinity graduate, adjunct faculty member and Chair of the Trinity Divinity Associates, Lazerte’s connection to the College is so strong that he and his wife, Dawn, named their first daughter Trinity.



Share your wedding memory

Since its official consecration in 1955, hundreds of weddings have taken place in the Trinity College Chapel. Was yours among them? To share your Trinity Chapel moment, send a photo of your wedding day along with a 150-word written account of your experience. Please provide a high-resolution scan of your image (350 dpi or greater, scanned at 100 per cent). Original photos may also be sent for scanning and will be returned. For more detailed submission guidelines, please send an email to




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