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As one of the original members of the Escapades (and one of the few 7T8s to be part of that team), I was pleased to see the article written by Jim Nielsen and photograph in your Summer 2015 issue on the 1976 Trinity Escapades hockey team. It brings back some fun memories! I do however take issue with Jim’s statement that “each player wore the ‘C,’ signifying First Among Equals, or perhaps, ‘Every Kid’s a Winner’”—that seems to be revisionist history. I understood that the reason almost everyone wore the “C” was a bit more practical—it allowed almost everyone to argue with the referees! The only member of the team who did not wear the “C” was Bill Young, who merely wore an “A” … for obvious reasons!

Fred Kingston ’78

I read with interest Sandhya and Swapna Mylabathula’s article about their work on in concussion in the fall issue of Trinity magazine. From the early 1970s for 30-plus years, I assessed approximately 3,500 to 4,000 traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients ranging from minor to prolonged coma. In spite of being on the Blue Ribbon Government Committee on TBI and actively involved in the Ontario Brain Injury Association, we did not make much headway. It is only now that attention is being given to this problem. Thank you for bringing this important topic to Trinity readers, and best wishes to Sandhya and Swapna Mylabathula for their endeavours in this subject.

Dr. William Franks ’56, ‘60 (MD), FRCPC

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