Book It! February 2023


If you have published a book within the past six months or have one coming out in the near future, please e-mail the editor a high-resolution .jpg of the cover, along with a brief description of the book and its publication date:



Touching upon human frailty, the eternal, and the ecological with a delicate and evocative brush, Unbound enacts an almost prayerful attention to the earth’s creatures and landscapes while it offers both mournful and humorous treatments of love and loss. McIntire’s finely tuned musical voice—with its incantatory rhythms, rhymes, sound play, and entrancing double meanings—invites us to be courageously open to the unexpected. (McGill-Queen’s University Press)




Loose Ends is a poetic meditation that looks back on a life well-lived, and reflects on life, death, ageing, childhood, the ties that bind all us humans, and our deep connection to our beautiful, fragile planet. The delicate yet powerful poems and stories create links between the past and present. (Aeolus House)





Geopolitics and climate change now have immediate consequences for national and international security interests across the Arctic and Antarctic. Featuring contributions from international defence experts, scientists, academics, policymakers, and decisionmakers, Polar Cousins reviews the state of strategic thinking and options on Antarctica and the Southern Oceans in light of experience in the circumpolar North, and offers key insights into the challenges unique to the polar regions. (University of Calgary Press)




Borders have been evolving rapidly in direct response to the multifaceted challenges brought on by globalization, which has had a nuanced impact on the way borders are governed and border security is managed. Through seven regional case studies from across the globe, Patterns in Border Security: Regional Comparisons studies the way borderland communities develop, implement, and align border policy to enhance their sense of security. (Routledge)




From Charity to Change demystifies the world of Canadian philanthropy, offering a portrait of today’s foundation landscape and highlighting organizations that are acting with purpose on some of the most pressing social and economic challenges of our time: climate change, the future of cities, education and the evolving workforce, housing, and the urgent need to repair and build new relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Pearson, who for two decades worked with leaders of foundations across Canada, provides an insider’s perspective on the ways these organizations continue to evolve. A timely contribution to the current debate on the legitimacy of organized philanthropy in an era of increasing social division and inequality, the book makes a compelling case for the valuable role private philanthropy plays in addressing the challenges of our rapidly changing times. (McGill-Queen’s University Press)



Jacob of Sarug’s Homily Concerning the Red Heifer and the Crucifixion of our Lord is an English translation of the poetic homily of Jacob of Sarug (d. 521 CE) on the red heifer slaughter ritual in Numbers 19. Jacob, a church author who wrote in the classical Syriac language, interprets the ritual as being a prefigurement of the passion and death of Jesus, and as a symbol of the church. (Gorgias Press)




In Knowledge of God in the World and the Word, authors Douglas Groothuis and Andrew Shepardson provide a simple introduction to classical apologetics that also addresses the most common objections to natural theology. The book aims to provide an easy point of entry into understanding Christian beliefs about Jesus, and the connection between classical apologetics and Christian ministry. (Zondervan Academi)




As published in the Living Trinity Newsletter, February 2023

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