Two generations of the same family, both married in the Trinity Chapel!

Katherine Spencer ’80 and David Ross
December 3, 1988
The Trinity College Chapel, of course!
Who else was there:
Katherine was given away by her late father, Professor Emeritus and later Honorary Fellow Robert Spencer (MA ’47) sporting his Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Valerie Keyes ’78 (sister) and Charles Spencer ’76 (brother) were in the wedding party. Many other Trinity grads and staff were in attendance. The Toast to the Bride was given by the late Professor Patricia Bruckmann together with the late Professor Michael McCarthy.
From the family:
As Katherine was an architectural historian, being married in the architectural gem designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott was a thrill. It was particularly special that the Reverend Kate Merriman, the first woman to be Trinity College Chaplain, assisted in the ceremony. The reception was held in Seeley Hall.
Caroline Ross ’12 and Adam Cziraky
September 16, 2023
The Trinity College Chapel — again!
Who else was there:
Many friends and family members ranging from the class of 1976 to the class of 2013, including several guests who also attended Katherine and David’s wedding in 1988.
From the bride:
It was incredibly special to get married in a place that has played an important part in my family’s history. I am the fifth person across three generations to attend Trinity, I was baptized in the Chapel, and I sang in the Chapel choir for four years. Sharing the space with all our friends and family, and bringing Adam into the fold was very meaningful. I wore my mother’s wedding veil, which was also very special for her and for me. We were lucky to have a gorgeous sunny day, and the rays of sun streaming into the Chapel through its windows added to the magic!

Share your wedding memory
Since its official consecration in 1955, hundreds of weddings have taken place in the Trinity College Chapel. Was yours among them? To share your Trinity Chapel moment, send a photo of your wedding day along with a 150-word written account of your experience. Please provide a high-resolution scan of your image (350 dpi or greater, scanned at 100 per cent). Original photos may also be sent for scanning and will be returned. For more detailed submission guidelines, please send an email to