Who: Freya Lilius ’03 and Jonathan Bell ’03
When: May 21, 2023
Where: The Trinity Quad
From the bride:
We were married on May 21, 2023, about 20 years after we left Trinity. While we actually dated in our early days at Trin, we’d gone our separate ways and each had a previous family that we were blending together that day. It was extra-special to have the kids stand up with us: Jon’s—Harrison (10), Georgia (8)—and mine—Max (13) and Finlay (15).
It was really fun to get married back in the place where it all began, surrounded by people who had loved, supported and celebrated us. Each of us had amassed a group of friends and family during our more than 20 years apart, plus we had the shared friends who knew us “way back when” who were so excited to be involved in the full-circle moment. It was a blast to be back in the Quad, and many guests found their old room in Welch or Whit (we had every single resident of 2nd Whit 2001-02 there that day!). Trinity was the perfect spot for us to get married. It was such a special day!

Share your wedding memory
Since its official consecration in 1955, hundreds of weddings have taken place in the Trinity College Chapel (and a few have happened in the Trinity Quad!). Was yours among them? To share your Trinity wedding moment, send a photo of your wedding day along with a 150-word written account of your experience. Please provide a high-resolution scan of your image (350 dpi or greater, scanned at 100 per cent). Original photos may also be sent for scanning and will be returned. For more detailed submission guidelines, please send an email to magazine@trinity.utoronto.ca.