School’s Out for the Summer! What’s next?

Remember the feeling of completing your last exam or paper and the excitement about summer break? We caught up with a few undergrads – and soon-to-be Trinity grads – to learn about their summer plans and what’s up next year.

Candace Sara Ciju, 2nd Year 

Over the summer…
I am flying back home to the United Arab Emirates till June. A 2023 Laidlaw scholar, I will be carrying out my research and collecting data in June and July in India. In August, I’ll be partaking on a summer abroad at the University of Oxford. I’ll also be trying to learn French over the summer!

My plans for next year…
Next year, I will be the Co-Director of the Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies Academic Conference, so this year I will be heavily involved in the planning and coordination of the conference. I also want to stay involved with a lot of clubs and maybe try out for two or three more!


Sarina Doshi, Class of ‘24

Over the summer…
I’m heading back home to California, hoping to soak up the sun and chill on the beach for a few weeks before coming back to Toronto for graduation. After that, I plan to really enjoy my last proper summer and make memories with friends and family.

My plans for next year…
I’m super excited to be starting my PhD in Biochemistry here at U of T! I’m looking forward to the rotation process, learning more about my research interests, and getting to know other students in my cohort.


Laura Harrison, Class of ’24

Over the summer…
I am going on a trip to Europe with some friends in May, then I’ll be working as a research assistant and brushing up on my French language skills for the remainder of the summer.

My plans for next year…
Next year I will be pursuing two master’s degrees in Museum Studies and Information at the University of Toronto iSchool.


Isaiah Hazelwood, Class of ’24

Over the summer…
I’m staying in Toronto this summer to continue research at a lab at U of T.

My plans for next year…
Next year, I’m going to California to start a graduate program at University of California San Francisco.


Queena Huang, 3rd Year

Over the summer…
This summer will be exciting! I am heading to Tokyo to tour the city, then to Hangzhou, China to visit family. Then it’s back to Toronto to study for the LSAT, and in August I’m so excited to head to Oxford for a Summer Abroad course! It will be a brand-new experience and I can’t wait!

My plans for next year…
Next year I will be applying to graduate schools for master’s programs in Pharmaceutical Science, and potentially law school! Being a patent lawyer is my ultimate career goal. I am hoping to have lots of fun next year — I want to treasure every second I have left as an undergrad.


Amir Samadi, 2nd year

Over the summer…
I will be working on Cognitive Neuroscience projects this summer as a recipient of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA).

My plans for next year…
I will continue research in Behavioural Neuroscience and then do a Direct PhD.


Samantha Sheu, 3rd Year

Over the summer…
This summer, I’m planning to take summer classes and study for the LSAT in preparation for applications! I’m also planning to squeeze in some time for travel and meeting up with friends.

My plans for next year and beyond…
Since next year is my final year, I will be preparing for grad school! It’s always been a dream of mine to attend law school, so it will definitely be a busy year with applications and keeping up with school.


Grace Smith, 2nd year

Over the summer…
As a Jackman Humanities Scholar in Residence, I’ll be living in Victoria College in May, helping to perform archival research on black Atlantic worlds! In July and August, I’ll be living at New College, working as a U of T camp counsellor for international students. In June, I’ll be relaxing and spending time with family. I’m super excited for all of it!

My plans for next year…
Next year I hope to join the U of T Moot team and explore a more diverse array of classes. In the future, I plan to go to law school – I’m currently most interested in immigration law or criminal law, but there are so many different fields of law to explore.


Tianshu (Tina) Yin, Class of ’24

Over the summer…
Before graduation in late June, I will be traveling to Vancouver and Banff, exploring pretty parks and watching sunrises and sunsets in Toronto. After grad, I will fly back to Japan and travel before starting work.

My plans for next year and beyond…
I will be working in Japan starting in September 2024.


Linda Zhang, 2nd Year

Over the summer…
I plan to take summer courses and continue as a work-study student for the Trinity Wellness Team. After my work ends in August, I plan to travel somewhere in Canada or go back home. There are still a lot of places I want to explore in Canada. I am thinking of maybe a road trip with friends to the Atlantic provinces since I really enjoyed the scenery in Halifax.

My plans for next year…
I plan to find a volunteer or work position in a neuroscience or related lab next year to gain insight into how researchers develop questions, design procedures, conduct experiments and reach conclusions. I want to deepen my understanding of neuroscience. It is a fascinating and rapidly developing field.

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