Trinity adopts more inclusive language
ON MARCH 9, more than 190 students packed into the George Ignatieff Theatre for the Trinity College Meeting (TCM), Trinity’s democratic governance body. Marking the largest such attendance in Trinity history, the contentious meeting ended in the approval of $70,000 in funding for gender neutral washrooms and a reform of the terminology “Men and Women of College” to “Members of College” in order to be more inclusive to Trinity’s gender non-binary community. This represents a trend toward a more modern Trinity College, one that still places immense value on its traditions and community but is also increasingly aware of the importance of equity and inclusion.
Trinity Alumni Receive the Order of the Diocese of Toronto
Trinity alumni Norah Bolton, Helen Bradfield and William Saunderson were awarded the Order of the Diocese of Toronto on January 1 at St. James Cathedral in Toronto.The award was created in 2013 and honours members of the laity in the Diocese who have demonstrated considerable volunteerism in their chosen ministry.
NORAH BOLTON ’59 has served in a variety of different facets of her parish, volunteering as a chorister, churchwarden and Sunday school teacher. Bolton currently serves as one of St. Mary Magdalene’s (Toronto) lay delegates to Synod and, in the past, has worked in the Diocese’s Congregational Development department. Bolton has been a member of the York Credit Valley Area Council and has served on the Executive Board and Diocesan Council.
HELEN BRADFIELD ’60 is an active member of the church community, assisting with everything from music to special events. Aside from her work in the church, she has also spent time volunteering at Trinity (as a 1960 year rep), the Bishop Strachan School and the Diocese of Toronto. She has endeavoured to preserve the history of the church while working as the Parish Archivist at Grace Church for the past 15 years.
WILLIAM SAUNDERSON ’56, a chartered accountant, founded Sceptre Investment Counsel Ltd. in 1971. In 1995, he was elected as MPP for Economic Development, Trade and Tourism. Saunderson is currently Chair of RDI, the Canadian Osteopathic Education Trust Fund, and the Diocese of Toronto Investment Committee. He is the director of the board for the ROM Foundation and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Saunderson belongs to the St. Clement Parish (Eglinton).
Discussing the legacy of residential schools
On February 25, Trinity Provost Mayo Moran moderated a panel on the Legacy of the Residential School System featuring former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, Douglas Sanderson from the U of T Aboriginal Law program, and prominent Aboriginal lawyer Delia Opekokew.
The event, hosted by the Hart House Debates Committee and organized by Trinity students Sarah Harrison (1T7) and Kaleem Hawa (1T6), attracted more than 150 students and featured both meaningful discussion of policy and powerful personal reflections on the bitter legacy of experiences with residential schools.
Trinity reunion in London
Maxwell Adams ’14 and Patrick Harris ’14 at the Lansdowne Club in London, England
ON FEBRUARY 5, Provost Mayo Moran and Chancellor William Graham ’61 hosted 40 alumni and friends, including former Provosts Margaret MacMillan ’66 and Andy Orchard, for a cocktail reception at the elegant Lansdowne Club in London, England.The speaker was Jake Brockman ’13, who shared his memories about why he chose Trinity and how his time as a Trinity student shaped his choices and led him to Oxford.
Trinity’s Caroline Leps awarded Rhodes Scholarship

Trinity Global Health and International Relations student Caroline Leps is one of 83 students from around the world being named a 2015 Rhodes Scholar. She will be pursuing a postgraduate degree in comparative social policy, with the intention of eventually becoming a pediatrician working in global children’s health in low- and middle-income settings.
IN ADDITION TO BEING CO-PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SOCIETY, Leps volunteers at Sick Kids Hospital, and at a camp for children diagnosed with cancer. She is also co-captain of Trinity’s basketball team, co-president of Trinity’s Women’s Athletic Association and plays violin in the Hart House Orchestra.
“It’s a surreal experience. I’m still in shock,” says the new Rhodes Scholar, who is also a recipient of the John Harvey Whiteside Scholarship. “I feel incredibly lucky and excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and can’t wait to pursue my studies at Oxford. I’m so grateful to Trinity for the large part it played in making all of this possible.”
She is in good company. Since the program was established in 1903, Trinity has been notable for producing an impressive number of Rhodes Scholars. In fact, a Trinity student has received the scholarship, on average, once every three years since its inception. Notable Trinity Rhodes scholars include George Ignatieff ’36, Derek Allen ’69 and John Allemang ’74 (see his feature interview with fellow alum John Tory ’75 on page 12).
Established by Cecil Rhodes, the Scholarships support academically talented student leaders wanting to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford (Leps will be studying Global Health Sciences). Besides academic excellence, the scholarship requires successful applicants demonstrate a devotion to community service and leadership.
Leps is the 41st Trinity student to be awarded the Rhodes Scholarship.
Five Trinity members appointed to the Order of Canada

On December 26, 2014, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, announced 95 new appointments to the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest civilian honours.
Five members of the Trinity community were among the honourees:
Companions of the Order of Canada
James Douglas Fleck, C.C. was promoted to a Companion of the Order of Canada for his enduring contributions and strategic leadership as one of Canada’s leading arts patrons, and for endowing our national cultural institutions, notably by partnering business with the arts.
Officers of the Order of Canada
Mark Lautens, O.C., Fellow of the College: For his contributions at the forefront of organic chemistry, which have led to the creation of new medicinal compounds with fewer side effects.
Members of the Order of Canada
Christina Stuart Cameron, C.M., ’67: For her contributions to heritage preservation through her work with Parks Canada, with UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention, and as a university professor.
The Honourable William C. Graham, P.C., C.M. ’61: Chancellor of the College. For his many contributions to Canadian politics.
John Barker Lawson, C.M., ’48: For his transformative contributions as a volunteer in support of many of Toronto’s most important music ensembles and arts organizations.
New Trinity librarian named

On March 5, the Trinity College Board of Trustees appointed John Papadopoulos to the position of Nicholls Librarian and Director of the John W. Graham Library.
Formerly Chief Law Librarian of the Bora Laskin Law Library at the University of Toronto, Papadopoulos is a graduate of U of T’s Faculty of Law (JD, ’93) and the Faculty of Information (MISt, ’97). Prior to joining U of T, he worked at a number of Toronto law firms as a reference librarian. (Watch for an interview with Papadopoulos in Trinity’s next issue.)
Conversations with the Chancellor series features AFN National Chief

ON MARCH 12, Trinity Chancellor Bill Graham began the 2015 edition of the highly popular series Conversations with the Chancellor with an evening with Perry Bellegarde, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). Elected in Winnipeg in December 2014, National Chief Bellegarde shared his views on issues ranging from the Indian Act and possible First Nations restructuring to the future of the AFN as an important national voice. Archives construction continues
If you have visited the Trinity campus lately, you’ve likely noticed that a large part of the front lawn on Hoskin Avenue is a construction zone. That’s due to the ongoing relocation and construction of the new Trinity archives. The front lawn construction is part of the geothermal system that will provide the stable temperature and humidity needed for the proper preservation of artifacts.
“This is a serious piece of equipment,”
says Trinity Bursar Geoff Seaborn ’73 of the “big, ugly machine” being used to drill 350 feet under the lawn to create the geothermal holes. “I’m hoping we’re going to strike oil.” There is also a 1,200 gallon cistern now buried in the lawn for stormwater reclamation. Rainwater from the roof will be captured and used to irrigate the front lawn, reducing the need for tap water. Meanwhile, the Trinity team is “greenfielding” the archives space, cleaning up decades of extra wiring and obsolete mechanical systems found hidden in the basement. The space, which will boast high ceilings despite its lower-level location, feels wonderfully open. “It’s exciting to see things taking shape,” says Sylvia Lassam, Trinity’s Rolph-Bell Archivist.
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