For many people, the end of the calendar year is a reminder to make their annual donations to their favourite charities. Each December, charities see a flurry of activity as donations arrive to make that December 31 deadline. But 2018 was different. Across the country, charities saw a decline of as much as 33 per cent as the Canada Post strike dragged on.
“Direct mail is still the most popular method for giving, especially for our most loyal donors.The strike really took a bite out of our annual donations,” says Nazerit Hagos, who runs Trinity’s Annual and Leadership Giving Program. “Many of our donors didn’t get their reminder letters; or did but couldn’t return them. It’s been a noticeable and worrying decline.”
While the postal strike may have been short term, long term trends indicate that Canadian charities are facing a crisis. According to CanadaHelps, Canadians who claimed a charitable deduction has dropped from 24.6 per cent to 20.4 per cent in the past decade. “Canada might have more people, but we’re giving less than ever, with both donation rates and donation amounts dropping,” says the report. Warning that this is “a dangerous trend for the charitable sector.”
At Trinity, these factors hit our bottom line. Donations allow us to provide services for our students to ensure their success. The John W. Graham Library, our Writing and Math Centres, health and wellness programming and bursaries and scholarships are all supported by your gifts. The impact is even felt in the more mundane, yet essential aspects of daily College life – from light bulbs to roof tiles, funding from donors keeps Trinity strong and whole.
From the very beginning of our history, Trinity College has been fortunate to have the support of donors, volunteers and friends. John Strachan could not have founded the College without the support of those who believed in his vision. From that time to now, charitable support has been essential to providing the exceptional academic experience that Trinity provides. Now more than ever, every gift truly makes a significant difference in the lives of Trinity College’s students.
And while the end of the 2018 calendar year has come and gone, you can still make your gift before April 30, the end of the Trinity fiscal year online, by mail or by calling Nazerit Hagos at 416-946-2426.
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