For donations made from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017
* Deceased individuals

LIKE MANY OF MY PEERS, I felt the strong presence of Trinity’s alumni in my daily life at the College. This ranged from personal interactions with past graduates at dinners, receptions, and volunteer events, to the extraordinary generosity of which I was a fortunate beneficiary.
Like a number of my peers, I needed additional support to finance my undergraduate degree at Trinity. During my time as a student, I had many conversations with those peers that mirrored my own experience with the generosity of Trinity alumni. There were stories about how a hard-earned scholarship had dispelled worries about post-graduation debt, or relieved the need to take on a part-time job. In so doing, this support freed up invaluable time to participate in extracurricular activities, or to commit an extra few hours to an upcoming assignment or exam.
The same theme ran through conversations with other classmates about how a commute was significantly shortened because staying on or close to campus or travelling to a conference was made possible by the support of a donor. I know that being able to live within touching distance of the incredible resources that this College, campus, and city have to offer enriched my university experience immeasurably.
More than anything however, the support of Trinity’s donor community gave me the opportunity to benefit from the modern university experience without having to attend to the difficult practicalities that often accompany it. For me, it made real the ideal of university, as first and foremost a place for people to explore the profound ideas that have shaped our world. It gave me the opportunity to tackle enduring questions about truth, reality and what matters, all with the support of an incredible community. In this way, donors continue Trinity College’s rich tradition of helping to make the dreams and ideals of its students a reality.
On behalf of all the Trinity students, including me, whose lives you touched over the past year, thank you.
Amitpal Singh ’1T7
The following list recognizes donors who cumulatively gave between May 1, 2016 and April 30, 2017 to support Trinity College. It includes gifts to the Trinity Fund, reunion class gifts and gifts-in-kind.

Marilyn & Charles Bailie
Barbara C. Eastman
William & Catherine Graham*
P. Michael Wilson
*The names of Chancellor William & Catherine Graham were mistakenly omitted from the printed version of the list above. We apologize for this error.

Norman Fraser
Montieth Illingworth
Donald M. Ross
Nevil Thomas

The Friends of the Trinity College Library
The Ontario Provincial Synod
The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation

Mohammad Al Zaibak
Flavia C. Redelmeier
Michael H. Wilson

Ernst & Young Matching Gifts
Program for Higher Education
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation

Graham B. R. Collis
George A. Fierheller
Hilary Pearson and
Michael John Sabia
John H. & Catherine F. Phillips

William & Meredith Saunderson
Guy & Sandra Upjohn
Florence Margaret Thompson
Charitable Foundation
The Peter Cundill Foundation


Derek Allen
John C. Bonnycastle
George & Martha Butterfield
Michael Church
Adrienne Clarkson
William J. Corcoran
Sharon C. Geraghty
Heather V. Gibson
John & Mary Goodwin
William B. Hanna
Ernest Howard
Mary E. Kirton
John D. (Jack) Leitch
George & Leanne Lewis
R. Peter & Virginia McLaughlin
E. R. S. McLaughlin*
Mayo Moran
David & Mary (Bosworth) Neelands

Gerald R. Noble
Winsor & Ruth Ann Pepall
Christine J. Prudham
Kathryn & David Richardson
Ian & Nancy Robinson
Gary William Ross
Victor M. Seabrook
Helen Elizabeth Shaw
Jessica Shelley
Barbara Shum and
Manos Vourkoutiotis
Patricia J.S. (Hand) Simpson
Sonja Sinclair
John H. & Diana F. Tuttle
Gordon Watson*
Donald & Gloria Wiebe
The Hope Charitable Foundation
Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation

Breakfast in Strachan Hall with my roommate to try out the new smoothie bar and get caught up on our homework.

Ann & Duncan Abraham
Susan Ainley
Jim Andersen & Michelle Marion
James Appleyard and
Tamara Rebanks
Carolyn Archibald
James & Penny Arthur
James C. Baillie
Walter M. Bowen and
Lisa Balfour Bowen
John N. & Miranda Birch
Anne E. Brace
Helen & Robert Bradfield
Roderick Brinckman
David Bronskill
Michael & Patricia Bronskill
Shirley Byrne
N. Thomas Conyers
Marilyn E. Cook
John D. Cuddy
Frank & S. Sunny Dicum
D. P. Mary Eliot*
Mary Finlay
J. E. Fordyce
Joseph W. Foster
John F. Futhey
Julie Frances Gilmour
Michael & Nancy Graham
Bruce D. Griffith

Term paper due soon!
Going to meet up with an
Academic Don for help.

Janet (Saddington) Hunter
Robert P. Hutchison
& Carolyn Kearns
Peter Michael Irwin
Elliot Johnson
Elizabeth Kilbourn-Mackie
Madeline Koch
Peter M. Little
George A. Mackie
Ivan & Harriet McFarlane
Jane McMyn
John W. Morden
Judith Ransom
Peter Rozee and
Francesca Patterson
Blair Seaborn
John E. & Gayle Smallbridge
Philip R. L. Somerville
Suzanne Sousan
Almos Tassonyi and
Maureen Simpson
Beth & Graham Taylor
Keith E. Townley
C. Ann Wainwright
J. Frederick W. Weatherill
Gordon E. Webb
Gordon D. Young
Dow Chemical Company Foundation
M.D.S. Fund at Toronto Foundation
St. Thomas’s Church, Toronto


Kevin & Jill Adolphe
Mary S. Aduckiewicz
Robert J. Aiello
Janet Algie
Paul H. Ambrose
Jamie & Patsy Anderson
Philip Arthur
Reinhart J. Aulinger
Edward & Jocelyn Badovinac
Alyson Barnett-Cowan
Nicholas Beck & Brigita Gravitis
Michael & Bonnie Bedford-Jones
Keith Bell
Marian Binkley
Ann Birch
Terry A. Bisset
James Booth & Mary-Lynn Fulton
Bruce W. Bowden
Cynthia Bracewell
Andrea M. Budgey
Catherine Butler
Christina Cameron
Donald R. Cameron
Glenna Carr
John Carruthers
& S. Mendes de Franca
Mary Chipman
Peter Chung
Charles S. Churcher
John & Lynn Clappison
Charles F. Clark
Graeme C. Clark
Stephen R. Clarke and
Elizabeth Black
Anne M. Cobban
Clive H.J. Coombs
Anne Cooper
Linda & Brian Corman
Martin Cosgrave
Graham Cotter
Philip & Phyllis Creighton
Janet Curry
Alexander & Ann Dalzell
Virginia L. Davies
Michael de Pencier
Maurice A. F. DeWolf
Thomas DeWolf
Mary Louise Dickson
Peter & Jane Dobell
Alison Durkin
Richard V. P. Eagan
Lisa F. Fettes
Ian & Nancy Forsyth
Brian D. Freeland
Virginia Froman and
Michael Wenban
Michael Gardiner
David Gawley
Diane Gherson
Jack Gibbons
Alan Gill
Caroline A. Gillespie
Gillian S. Gillison
Kevin Goldthorp
Clara M. Gonzalez-Martin
C. Patrick Gossage
Robert & Janet Gouinlock
Mayo Graham
Alastair G. & Victoria A. Grant
Anne Forrester Greaves
William N. Greer
Terry & Ruth Grier
G. T. (Tom) Gunn
Alice L. Haigh
Peter & Susan Hand
Beth L. Hanna
Christopher Harris and
Mary Shenstone
Douglas C. Heighington
Philip J. Henderson
John Hickman
Andre Hidi
Stanley Y. Ho
Joan Hodgson
Elspeth Hogg
Karla D. Honey
Aaron Hong
Ruth E. Hood
Susan Huggard
William B. G. Humphries
Susan Hunt
Martin & Judith* Hunter
Douglas S. Hutchinson
Erin Iles
Hugh L. Innes
Frederic L. R. (Eric) Jackman
Colin R. Johnson
Elspeth Johnson
Jeremy & Stephanie Johnston
Anneliese Kabisch
Lisa Kaul
Paul I. Kennedy
Patricia Kenyon Mills
Lawrence & Barbara Kerslake
Richard S. Kim
Simon Kingsley
John J. Kirton
John Kloppenborg
William R. Langlois
J. Bruce Langstaff
Alan D. Latta
Brian & Joannah Lawson
John B. Lawson
Jae-Joung Lee
Peter Levitt & Mai Why

Mary M. B. D. Lewis
Vicki* & Patrick Little
John F. Lockyer
Ruth H. Loukidelis
Douglas P. Macdonald
Dorothy Macdonald
Gillian MacKay Graham
Margaret O. MacMillan
Norris B. MacPhadyen
Marion E. Magee
Ann Malcolmson
Timothy C. Marc
John Mason
Christopher J. Matthews
Raymond J. McCague
Joan McCallum
Andrew E.C. McFarlane
Joyce McKeough
Michael & Jeryn McKeown
David J. & Patricia McKnight
Jane McLeod
Nancy McPhee
Karen McRae
Linda Medland Davis
Margaret A. Meynell
Alexander O. Miller
David Mills
David N. Mitchell
Donald E. Moggridge
David T.C. & Joan Moore
Theodore F. Morris
Alan & Flo Morson
Tom P. Muir
Norman J. & Sandra E. Munn
Barbara M. H. Murray
Gary & Shannon Nevison
David & Kathleen Oakden
Stephen A. Otto
Robert & Dorothea Painter
Philip Panet & Susan Bronskill
Donald & Gwynneth Parkinson
Peter R. Paterson
Michael G. Peers
S. Steven & Pamela M. Popoff
Christine Wing-Hung Pun
Carolyn Purden Anthony
Thomas Rahilly & Jean Fraser
Lynda Reeves
Robert & Margaret Reid
Diana Robinson
Gregor M. Robinson
Barnaby & Lois Ross
Richard H. Sadleir
Edward & Louise Saunders
Roger Savory
Wes Scott
Jan Seger Lambert
George O. Shepherd
David Shoemaker
David C. Sinclair
Peter D. Singer
Stephen & Jane Smith
Derek A. Smith
William P. Somers
Thomas Yee Po Soo
Robert G. Spence
Robert A. Spencer
Neil Sternthal
Ian & Heather Stewart
R. D. Roy Stewart
Eileen R. Stock
Robert R. Stone
W. Mark L. Strang
Richard H Sutcliffe
John & Helen Swinden
Burton* & Judith Tait
Leah Taylor Roy
David O. Tinker
Martha J. Tory
Ann Tottenham
David & Diana Trent
Robert J. Tweedy
Bill & Sarah VanderBurgh
Ann Louise Vehovec
Robert Vineberg
Stephen M. Waddams
Karen Walsh & David Roffey
Douglas Ward
Andrew M. Watson
Wendy Weaver
William Westfall
John D. Whittall
Mary F. Williamson
Ann C. Wilton
Bruce Winter
David & Carol Wishart
Peter J. Wismath
Diana Wong
Stephanie A. Wood
Andrea L. Wood
Bob & Joan Wright
Graham J. Yost
Janet & Bill Young
Miriam E. Young
The Barbara & John Barton Fund
Christ Church Grosse Pointe
Community Foundation of Ottawa
George & Esther Snell Trust
Jackman Foundation
Mastercard Affinity Card – UTAA
Nancy’s Very Own Foundation
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.

Off to class. I love the small seminars and great discussion with my profs.


D. Martin Abel
Margaret Agar
Peg Andrews
P. Mark & Frances Armstrong
Brian G. Armstrong
J. M. Armstrong
Douglas H. Arrell
Veronica Arthur
Rebecca Auer (nee Taylor)
Jim Baidacoff
Heather B. Ballon
John & Jenny Balmer
Catherine Barley
Nicholas Bayne
Susan E. Beayni
Mark Elias Bechara
Linda C. Bell
Alexandra Bezeredi
Danielle E. Bochove
William J. & Martha F. Bowden
John Bowden
John & Lois Bowden
Christopher Bradley
James & Suzanne Bradshaw
Rodney R. Branch
Nancy L. Byers
Matthew Peter Cadwell
Hugh Cameron
Ruth B. Candy
John H. Carter
Hugh R. Chambers
Robert G. Church
William H. Clarke
Ian G. & Frances Clarkson
Lorenzo Coceani
Tony V. Coletta
Mary E. Conliffe
Gail A. Corbett
James A. Cran
Moira E. Creighton
M. Jane Croteau
David L. Danner
Margaret W. Darte
Natalie Zemon Davis
Deborah L. Davis
Helen A. de Finta
David & Carolyn Dell
Simon Devereaux
Julia Dicum
Michael S. Dunn
Judith E. Edmondson
Andrea E. Engels
M. Gwynneth Evans
Richard L. Evans
J. S. Farquharson
Albert P. Fell
Ben Fickling
Christopher W. W. Field
Russell C. Finch
Robin Fraser & Mary Ellen Hebb
Colin Furness
G. Robert W. Gale
Patrick Gaskin & Fiona Main
H. Ross Geddes
Christopher L. Gill
Alexander E. Graham
Julian A. Graham
Russell & Jean Graham
Thomas L. Granger
James M. Grant
Nancy Guebert
Neil Guthrie
Susan M Hainsworth
Melanie M. Hare
Helen Harrison
David Harrison & Catherine Le Feuvre
Derek C. Hayes
Joan B. Hayes
Robyn Heins
Donald Hewson
Gillian E. Hicks
John M. & Jill Hill
Douglas R. Hill
Marty Hilliard
Philip C. Hobson
Keith A. Hoilett
Victor Holysh
Kathy Horne
Franklin A. Hough
Peter H. Howden
Mary E. Howden
Cynthia M. Hunt
Robert Johnstone
Glenn & Sharon Josselyn
William & Dale Keel
Kathryn Anne Kotris

W. John Langlois
Mark Lautens
Joannah A. Lawson
James Leach
Kirk A. Lee
Olivia Lee
G. Bradley Lennon
Mary A. Lewis
Peter J. Lewis
David R Lindop
Christopher J. Loat
C. Robert Loney
Gay Loveland
Richard G. Lucas
Richard A. MacKenzie
Ross McKean
Gary B. McKinnon
Jane McWhinney
Meredith Meads
David K. Miller & Bruna Gambino
David G. Morgan
David W. Morris
Gerry Mueller
Sarah A. Munroe
James T. Neilson
Joan Northey
J. G. Nugent
Matthew F. O’Halloran
M. Andrew & J. K. Patricia Padmos
Young Park
Jeannie T. Parker
R. Brian Parker
Louis Pauly & Caryl Clark
Barbara Perrone
M. Philip Poole
Canon Jim Powell
Lida Preyma
Elizabeth J. Price
Barbara A. Priscus
James J. Rayner
Darla Rhyne
John A. G. Ricciardelli
Peter C. Roe
Elizabeth M. Rowlinson
Diana Helen Rowney
Jonathan Royce
Derwyn J. Sangster
Jeremy Schaal & Jennifer Doherty
Cornelia M. Schuh
Douglas S. Scott
Geoffrey B. Seaborn
Virginia Seaborn
Ann L. Selby
Bob & Ann Shaw
Susan M. Sheen
Warren Shih
Jim Sidorchuk
C. Peter Slater
Diane J. Smith
Karen Spence
Kara Spence
Philip L. Spencer
Christie Sutherland
George Sutherland
Francis & Barbara Sutton
George Takach
Stefan Tarnawsky
Phyllis Taylor
Mary & Robert Thomas
Ron B. Thomson
Craig Thorburn & Cynthia Caron Thorburn
Lee Anne Tibbles
Paul W. Timmins
M. Ansley Tucker
M. Elizabeth Tugman
Heidi Ullrich
Ravi Vakil
Dennis & Janet Waddington
James Walker
& Stephanie Kirkwood Walker
Kathleen G. Ward
William R. Watson
John & Arlene Weekes
G. Ronald Williams
Brian E. Woodrow
Byron B. Yates
Roger C. Young
All Angels by the Sea Episcopal Church
Bank of America
Dinarii Financial Education Academy
Fifth Third Foundation
Hydro One Networks Inc.


Anonymous (7)
Don Allan
Daphne Alley
Michael S. Andison
Helen Angus
Hany A. A. Assaad
Patricia Bays
Margret E. Beaney
Timothy & Candace Bermingham
Carolyn (Kostandoff) Berthelet
Kenneth Biniaris
Donna E. Blackwell-Bellavance
M. Patricia Blair
Sven C. Blake
Keith E. Boast
Cynthia Bowden
Susan M. Bowerman
T. Allen & Marilyn Box
T. David & Constance J. Briant
Christopher M. Briggs
Ed Broadbent
Richard E. Bronskill
Geoffrey F. Brooks
Elizabeth C. Brown
Nigel James Bunce
Anne M. Burt
David E. Burt
D. Susan Butler
Susan Callum
Colin William Chamberlain
Pam Charron
Derek Koon Yee Chau
Michael K. S. Cheng
Lesley Chisholm
G. Austin E. Clarkson
Simon A. Clements
Penny J. Cole
Lionel T. Colman
J. Adam Conyers
Susan Corben Byram
Charles G. & Susan Cowan
Burn Creeggan
William Cruse
Peter B. Curzon
Geoffrey M. C. Dale
Thomas E. Dale
Marion S. Davidson
Gordon F. Davies
C. Eleanor De Wolf
Elsie A. Del Bianco
Drew Doherty
Jeannie Margaret Doig
Geoffrey C Drew-Brook
Alexandra J. Duncan Harrison
Roger S. Eaton
Mary Jane Edwards
Atom Egoyan
William A. Empke
Frances C. Errington
Alan J. H. Ferguson
John T. Frame
Michelle B. French
Janet M. Fuhrer
Marc Giampietri
John A. & Ruth Gillett
Robin D. Glass
Susan Goddard
Harriett E. R. Goldsborough
Barbara N. Gory
William M. Gray
Robert J. S. Gray
Patrick Trevor Robert Gray
Margaret H. Greene
Franklyn Griffiths
V. E. Marilyn Grimshaw
J. Richard Grynoch
Richard E. Hamilton
Stephen J. Hanns
Bruce Thomas Harpham
Maureen Scott Harris
Matthew Heeney
Tim & Shuna Heeney
Michelle D. Hiebert
Elsa Hoffacker
Elizabeth A. Holmes
Jennifer Hood
William James Hosken
Katherine Hough
Mary Hume
Thomas M. Hurka
Fred A. M. Huycke
Elizabeth D. Isenberg
Kenneth R. Jackson
Mary Jacob
Ruth Johnson
Kevin & Deborah Johnson
Robyn L. Kalda
L. Joy Kennedy
Bruce J. Kirby
Arthur M. L. Klassen
Kartick R Kumar
John C. La Flair
Eleanor A. Langdon
Sylvia A. Lassam
Ryan Bennett Lavallee
Robert C. & Mary Lee
Carole Ann Leith
Beverley Lewis
Jenn Jang Liang
Bruce D. Lister
D’Arcy Little
David Logan
E. Anne Longmore
Sandra G. Lovering
Andrea Luchini
Frances Macdonald
Peter & Ann MacDonald
Wendy MacKenzie Haller
Patti MacNicol
Randall Martin
Robert Mitchell A. McIntosh
Lance E. McIntosh
Seana B. McKenna
Duncan McLaren
Carolyn K. McMaster
Roy McMurtry

Karen Melville
J D. Merrett
Sylvia Middlebro’
Virginia C. Miller
J. Fraser B. Mills
Sylvia Milne
Elizabeth K. Mitchell
Mark Curfoot Mollington
Peter and Susan Moogk
Carol E. Moore
Kit Moore
Peter W. G. Moore
Adrienne A. Morey
Brian H. Morrison
Howard T. Mount
Sean A. Muggah
Bennett Mui
Margaret E. G. Murray
Bruce E. Myers
Harold J. Nahabedian
Sarah S. Neal
Patricia Ann Needham
James E. Neufeld
Marjan M. Nezarati
Pamela Noxon
James A. O’Brian
Dr. Margaret Ogilvie
Jane Olvet
M. Dianne O’Neill
Miles O’Reilly
Thomas Gerald O’Shaughnessy
Tara Parker
Hugh Peacock
Katharine A. Pearson
Landon Pearson
David W. Penhorwood
William E. Pepall
John & Penelope Pepperell
Miriam Petrovich
James Phillips
Jim Pierce
Walter G. Pitman
David W. Plant
Stephen Pomedli
Jo-Ann M. Pratt
Phyllis (Anderson) Pringle
Virginia Priscus
Roger C. Purkis
John D. Rathbone
Justin Rawlinson
D. Anthony Raymond
Walter Raymond
John A. Read & Janet E. Read
Rachel E. Rempel
Janice E. Reynolds
Gordon R. Roberts
Meghan Robertson
Billie A. Robinson
Helen Protopapas Robson
John Roney
Jill Rooksby
Shanna C. Rosen
Ludvig Satel
Robert P. Saunders
Suzanne M. Schaan
Lawrence L. Schembri
Amandine Scherrer
Richard Schneider
Pamela M. Scott
Susan A. Scott
Larry W. Scott
Barbara M. Selley
Ramine Shaw
Malcolm & Marg Shiner
Barbara R. Sibbald
Alana Silverman
Ivor & Renee Simmons
David J. D. Sims
Margaret R. Sims
W. David Sinclair
David A. Smith
M. Anne Smith
Cynthia M. Smith-McLeod
Randy Smye & Jenny le Riche
Ian Spears
Katherine M. L. Spencer-Ross
Elizabeth Steele-Neilson
Marc H. J. J. Stevens
Robert D. Stupart
Shazeen Suleman
Alexander M. M. Swann
Robert Switzer
Rosemary J. Tanner
Rod Taylor
John Thenganatt
Frank & Elaine Thompson
Mary E. Thompson
Nicola Tory
Norman F. Trowell
Heather Urie
Ian P Vaculik
Hilary R. Walker
Peter Walmsley
Neil K. Warma
M. Elizabeth Waterston
Robert N. Weekes
Kevin S. Wei
Jane Coyne Welch
R. Ross Wells
C. Ashley & Daphne Whicher
Peter K. Whimster
Marianne L. Whitten
John D. Whyte
Ailsa Wiggins
Jill C. Willard
M. Patricia Winter
Gerald C. V. Wright
Roger A. Young
Irving Zeitlin


Anonymous (16)
June L. Abel
Paul & Anne Adams
Georgina A. Adderley
Soomie L. Ahn
Matthew Airhart
Jeff Allan
Margaret E. Allan
C. Scott Allington
Hiroko Alston
Patricia Garstang Andersen
Carol Anderson
Donald Anderson
Lynda M. Annis
Hugh & Elizabeth
Geraldine C. Anthony
Panagiota Antoniou
Catherine Antonoff
Mark Armstrong
Erica Armstrong
David Aston & Helen Kong-Ting
Jeffrey & Debra Baker
M. Nanette Barkham
Lynda M. Barnett
William Barneveld
George W. Beal
Sherri Beattie
Clare (Wright) Bell
James Bell
Jennifer Popper Bell
Eileen J. Best
Robert G. Bettson
Beverlee Bewley
George A. Biggar
C. Ann Bird
Deborah Black
L. Black
J. Richard Blackburn
& Barbara Collier-Blackburn
Jane Blackstone
Wendy Blair
Deyril V. Blanchard
Dr. John C. Blyth
Isobel Bolitho
Paul R. Bolton
Norah Bolton
Donelda Booth
Jonathan Boulton
Timothy Bowden
Anne E. Bowlby
Ariana Y. Bradford
Dianne J. Bradley
Gordon Brandt
W. A. Brauer
David Brinton
Pamela Brook
Philip M. Brown
Mary (Reade) Bryson
Gwyneth F. Buck
Mary Bull
Robert & Kristine Burr
Gwenyth Burrows
Lynn Shona Butler
Rick R. Byun
Melville D. Callender
Elizabeth A. Campbell
M. Jeanne Carter
George E. Carter
Sally J. Casey
Deborah J. Casey
Alexandra L. Caverly-Lowery
Richard & Joan Chaffe
Jason C. Chang
French Chang-Him
Susan K. Charters
John & Vera Chau
Mary & John Chipman
Ann Chudleigh
R. Grant Churcher
Donald W. Clark
Judith E. Clarke
Lorraine M. Clarkson
Peter R. Coffin
Pamela J. Colman
G. Philip Cooper
Brian & Linda Corman
John P. M. Court
Richard M. Crabbe
John W. Craig
K. H. Michael Creal
Nadia C. Crisante
William R. K. Crockett
Mary L. Cuddy
Brett Lesley Cumberbatch
Vasile Curelea
Ian H. Daniel
Derek A. Davidson
Colin R. Deschamps
Eleanor J. Devlin
Robert S. Dinsmore
Joyce P. Donald
Patricia Drynan
Margaret Dudley
Diane Jane Eaton
Rasha H. El Sissi
Maria K. Elek
David & Jeandot Ellis
Jane E. A. Emery
Christopher English
John F. Evans
Richard Farr
Carolyn A. Feingold
Terence Finlay
Carol Finlay
Lorna Finman
Lindsay Sara Finneran-Gingras
Dianne M. Fisher
Paul T. Fisher
John M. Fletcher
Martha L. Foote
Julia G. Ford
Fredric C. Ford
Sally M. H. Forrest
Thomas Fosgrau
Ruth Foster
Marian E. Fowler
Douglas J. Fox
E. C. Freeman-Attwood
Nancy M. Fung
Kenneth K. L. Fung
James George
Mary-Ann George
Sandra D. German (Bennett)
Thomas M. F. Gerry
John A. & Ruth B. Gillett
G. H. Gilmer
Kathleen R. Girvin
Peter J. Gizewski
Jane D. Godbehere
Gordon G. Goldthorpe
Jean Yundt Gomez
Paul T. Gooding
Frances T. H. Grant
Virginia L. Grant
Anna Gray
Stephen Roland Green
Thomas M. Greene
Tim Griffin
David A. Grindal
H. Donald Guthrie
J. Andrew Guy
Nazerit Hagos
Peter & Helena Hallett
Brenda L. Halliday
Jill E. Hamilton
Beatrice E. Hampson
Arnold E. Hancock
Roderick M. Haney
Jane Harrigan
Sheila C. Harvey
Michael Hawkins
Paul Hayward
Michael Heeney
& Hilary Meredith
Winnifred A. Herington
John R. Hetherington
Michael K. Hicks
Myra Hiemstra
David C. Higginbotham*
Luke Higgins
Robin R. Hill
Marion Holley
Mary J. Holmen
Catherine Holmen
Karen Holmes
David Holysh
Anne-Marie Hourigan
J. Donald. L. Howson
Tsang C. Hui
Shirley K. Hulbert
Brian Hull
Donald P. & Nancy Hunt
Andrew S. Hutchison
P. Keith Hyde
Charles Ingles
Jeanne Ing-Leung
Diana E. Inselberg
Michael Ireland
Judith A. E. Jackson
J. Gordon Jackson
Elizabeth Jackson
Leslie A. K. James
David L. Jeanes
Michael R. Jenkin
Robert D. Johnston
Peter Lawrence Glenn Josselyn
Carole (Fox) Judd
Stefan G. Kahandaliyanage
Angela Kan
Gerret Kavanagh
Patricia B. Keating
Hugh Ker
Kathryn A. G. Kernohan
Primrose Ketchum
Kirby Monroe Keyser
Mary M. Kilgour
Suzanne J. Kilpatrick
Michael Kim
Pauline B. Kingston
G. Frederick Kingston
Peggy Kingstone
Mark Kingwell
Andrew W. Kirkpatrick
Eric A. Koch
Ella Kokotsis
Margery A. Konan
Jill Ayre Lacey
Andrea C. Lafleur
Ian M. LaFleur
Robert C. Lando
Astrid V. Lange
Eleanor Katrin Latta
Margaret Lawson

Joanne E. Leatch
James W. Leatch
Jane Ellen Leckey
Terence Y. F. Lee
Robert C. & Mary Lee
Elizabeth B. Leon
Susan J. Leslie
Bernadine Lily Leung
Eve Leyerle
Kiran Little
Jacqueline Baker Loach
Nora E. Losey
John Lu
Tracy L. Lucato
Alice M. Lundon
Joe Luong & Lan Hoang
Ross MacDonald
Timothy I. Macdonald
William R MacGregor
Heather A. MacKay
Paul T. A. & Sally-Beth MacLean
Donald B. MacLeod
Ian K. MacMillan
Charles MacNab
Arthur MacRae
James C. Mainprize
Francesca E. Mallin
Bruce Mansbridge
Innis Mark
Shirley Marr
Gillian Marwick
Peter Matheson-Young
Rosalie E. Rufelds
Douglas J. Maybee
Nevitt Maybee
Judith E. McAdam
Richard Hooshang McCall
Jane M. McDowell
Shannon McGaw
James Petrie McIntosh
M. M. McLaren Wyatt
Elizabeth Jackson McLean
Rosemary McLeese
John & Ellen McLeod
Anne McPherson
Andrew McRae
Kate Merriman
Sheila R. Miller
Alan R. Mills
Arthur E. Millward
David S. Milne
James B. Milner
Cheryl D. Mitchell
B. Jean Mitchell
Charles Morgan & Valerie Pronovost
Alan Morgan
Patricia & Norbert Morgenstern
Tanya Morrison
Joanne Morrow
Warren Moysey
Susan Moziar
David Mulholland
Sandra Munn
Barbara M. Murray
Kenneth M. & Karen L. Near
Sarah Neilson
Norma C. Neudoerffer
Kenneth Neumann
Donald F. W. Nickel
Peter C. S. Nicoll
Gary G. Nicolosi
Geoffrey C. Niles
Margot E. Northey
Catherine C. Nott
Constance A. O’Brien
Peter N. O’Flynn
Desmond M. O’Rorke
John Papadopoulos
Amy C. Parker
Jesse Parker
Mary E. Partridge
Bruce K. Patterson
Ian Pearson
Gregory W. A. Physick
Ann Pigott
A. Jane Pilaar (Gray)
Sebastien Piller-Tahy
Henri Pilon
Tim W. Plumptre
Carol Pollen
Kathleen E. Pope
Susan Port
Patsy Porter
Donald M. Powell
Joan N. Powell
Terry K. Pratt
Patricia I. Proctor
Catherine M. Purdon
Dean K. Purdy
Hank & Agnes Puurveen
Michael G. Quigley
Tony Rager
Barbara Ramsay
Michael J. H. Ratcliffe
David C. Rayner
Elizabeth A. Read
Adam G. Redish
Christopher E. Reed
Peter & Michelle Rhodes
Margaret S. Ripley
Julia Robbins
Patricia D. Roberts
Kenneth W. Roberts
Frederick & Jean Roberts
Harold F. Roberts
Joan T. Rogers
W. Peter Rollason
Nancy Rosenfeld
Patrick L. Ross
Walter G. & Joanne Ross
James D. L. Ross
Wendy B. Ross
H. David Ross
V. Donald Rosser
Philip F. Rowswell
Wendy B. Roy
Frank Ruddock
Sirpa K. Ruotsalainen
Alexandra Rutherford
Alison J. Sanders
Joyce Santamaura
Douglas L. Saunders
Juliana M. Saxton
Celia Schmidt
Jonathan D. Scott
Michael A. Scott
Donald Scroggie
Alia Noshin Riaz Sheikh
Olive Shepherd
Laurie Simon (Sims)
John M. Simons
Jennifer L. Simpson
Marcia J. Sinclair
Kathleen E. Skerrett
Eleanor J. Smith
Stephen B. H. Smith
Katherine R. Seagram Smith
Ann M. Smith
Chris Snyder
Joyce Sowby
E. Jane Speakman
Charles R. C. Spencer
Luke Stark
A. Bruce Stavert
Timothy Stephenson & Katherine Mansfield
C. Anne Stevens
John Stevenson
Fletcher J. Stewart
M C. Stokreef
E. Marion Stouffer
Vincent Strazzeri
Martin Strban
John O. Stubbs
Suwanda H.J. & Swarna Sugunasiri
Phillip S. Swift
Thomas H.B. Symons
M. Elisabeth Symons
Margaret Szucs
Melba G. Tanner
David Taylor
Anne Thomas
Michael G. Thompson
David M. G. Thomson
Mary E. Thurgood
R W. Tomlinson
Randy W. Toy
Young Um
J. Jeremy Van-Lane
Carol F. Verity
E. Patricia Vicari
Mary Vipond
Kathryn C. Vogel
Mary Williams Vohryzek
Nicholas Voudouris
Charles Wall
Ann P. Walmsley
Gillian Tao-Yin Wan
Janet (Gusen) Watson
Pamela M. Watts
Katherine Gray Weary
Molly Weaver
Desmond B. Webber
M. C. Welch
Jason Wesley
Hazel A. White
John N. Whiting
Ronald & Carroll Willer
H. Donald Williams
Catherine Willson
The Rev Dr. Ian S. Wishart
Margaret A. Wismath
Tak F. Wong
Edwin Wong
Dennis Hin Ning & Shun-Lai Wong
James W. Wood
Cindy Woodland
C. J. Woodland
Robert W. Worthy
Anne B. Wright
Shujun Yang & Ying Chen
Kenneth J. Yule
Barbara Goodwin Zeibots
Michael Zeitlin
Kate Zernike
Brookfield Office Properties Management LP
Brown & Cohen Communications & Public Affairs
Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Family Foundation
Gadar Promotions
Nick and Lynn Ross Charitable Foundation
R. I. Algie Medicine Professional Corporation
Rotman School of Management


Elizabeth Abbott
Tariq Abdullah
Frances Agius
Terrance J. Alderson
Robert P. Armstrong
Julia M. Armstrong
Michael G. Arsenault
Jeanette M. Arthurs
Peter W. Aykroyd
Sanjay Baldota
Mary Balfour
Anne G. Banani
Jeannie K. Bartha
Brittany Bearss
Stacy N. Beckwith
Robert A. Bentley
Carolynn Bett
Joanna M. Beyersbergen
Ljubica Bibulovic
Leslie A. Boehm
Pamela E. Bonnycastle
Robert Bothwell
& Gail Corbett Bothwell
Sandy Brown
Amanda Margaret Brown
H. Carol Burke
June Bushell
J. Allan Byrnell
Grace-Ann W. Cambray
James P. Campbell
James J. Campbell
Philippa R. Campsie
James Cann
Ann Elizabeth E. Carson
Elizabeth Champlin
Vera & John Chau
Gary N. Christie
Jeffrey C. Clayton
Philip H. Clendenning
Rosemary A. Clewes
Judith T. Connor
Mary E. Cook
William Cooke
Donald E. & Phyllis A. Cooper
Leslie Cooper
Ellen K. Cornelissen
Hadrian Corning
Margaret E. Couch
John Earl Course
Douglas C. Cowling
John Cunningham
Susan Curry
Anthony J. D’Angelo
Rosemary M. Daniel
Mary E. Daniher
Philip A. Davis
Cynthia Lynn Deachman
Dennis J. Derry
Jane Dixon
Kit Doan
Chris Dobson
J. Y. Donawa
Carmellina Drumm
Susan Duff
Ruby M. Elver
Jacqueline Engholm
John R. English
Carol J. Ennis
Uni E. Esso
Lynne Eustace
Michael L. Farago
Cecil A. Fennell
Jaron Fitch
David Flint
Kevin Flynn
Emelia E. Franks
Alan Carl Fraser
Kathleen A. Fraser
Wendy B. Fulton
Kathleen Gerald
Claire Glossop
John Godfrey
Ila Goody
Dinah Gough
Madeline Grant
Ruth I. Gray
Michael R. Gray
Joan Greatrex
H. Patricia Guy
Heather Jane Gwynne-Timothy
Mary Halliday
Sonia M. Halloran
David Halton
Douglas S. Hamilton
Sharon Ann Hanns
Mary L. Harris
Jonathan L. Hart
J. A. Harwood-Jones
William Hayes
Thomas Hayward
Priscilla H. Healy
Marcus Heinmaa
P. Rodger Henderson
Ellen M. Henry
Stephanie Highfield
John M. & Jill Hill
Emily Hisey-Bowden
Annette M. Hoare
N. Anne Hodgins
Christopher Peter Hogendoorn
William A. Houston
Christopher A. Hugh
Jo-Anne Hunt
Mark Hunter
Ronald E. Hutchison
Kristin Irish
Rosemary M. Jacobsen
Edythe A. James
Marilyn L. Jennison
Mary L. Jessup
Elisabeth A. Jocz
Keith R. Joyce

Judith A. Keeler
Terence and Dorothy Keenleyside
Joanna M. Kidd
James A. Kiddell
Sylvia Kilty
Veronica Melanie Kitchen
Virginia Koury
Suzanne Kuhne
Rebecca Kun
Patricia I. Laidlaw
Daniel R. Lamont
Janice G. Latcham
John Laughlin
Jean E. Laundy
Charles F. Laver
Anne Lawson
Darcey R. Lazerte
Elizabeth Le Maire
P.D. Lee
Danny Leung
Kwong Hon Leung
Jane C. Lindsey
Maryann Lisk
Jonathan Lofft
Wayne & Melanie Lord
Kathryn Anne Lye
Robert & Lyse Macaulay
Diane L. MacDonald
Gail MacDonald
Kathleen Emily MacDonald
Elizabeth W. MacIntyre
E. Anne MacKinnon
Merike Madisso
Angela Mammone
Joanna Elizabeth Maplazi
Voula Marinos
Janice Martin
Barbara J. Massey
Phyllis J. McCurdy
Dale F. McInnes Keel
Gabrielle Mcintire
Ken & Mary McKee
Joan K. McPhedran
Mei-Ling Melling
Robert D. Miller
Nancy A. Miller
William T. Mitchell
Peter B. Moore
Laura Moretti
William Morley
Robert W. Morse
Kathryn E. Munro
Maureen E. Murphy
Patricia Musclow
Guy Naccarato
Rosemary Nicholson
Mary E. Nickel
Maria Nightingale
Vals Osborne
Andrea Papamandjaris
Julia Paris
Timothy W. Parker
Pamela E. Patterson
Emma R. Peacocke
Norman Perrin
Gabriella Pezzutti
Mark G. Phemister
Karen Plumb
John S. Purdon
Robert J. Pyne
Elizabeth Rea
Catherine A. Richardson
William J. Riddell
James C. Riesberry
Jane Harriet Roberts
Michael J. Robson
Brenda C. Rolfe
M. Ann Romeril
Spencer P. Rupke
Karen A. Scherl
Michael J. Sidnell
Catherine Siemens
Stanley L Sitko
Peter L. Slater
Steven B. Slavens
Elizabeth G. Smith
Dag Spicer
Grahame Ian Ferguson Stap
James & Heather Steele
Rick Steinberg
Lesley M. Stevens
Cory M. Stidwill
Susan M. Still
J. Keith Stokes
Barbara Storey
Constance A. Swinton
John N. Symons
Leonidas Tampacopoulos
Nancy A. Forsyth Thomson
Lynn Tobin (Gooch)
Alan Toff
Kathleen Twardek
Alla Velikevitch
Elizabeth Vernon
Astrid B. von dem Hagen
Andrea J. Wappel
Ken Watson
Mary-Ethel Weatherseed
James & Verna Webb
Todd Webb
L. A. Whittaker
Jeremy Willard
Stephen & Rachel Williams
Mary Wilson
John Wilton
Deborah A. Woodman
Priscilla J. M. Wright
Han Zhao
Access Copyright
AIM Trimark Investments
Cambridge University Press
Sun Life Financial
University Bible Fellowship

Salterrae Society
The following list recognizes donors who have made lifetime cumulative gifts of $100,000 and above.

Ann and Duncan Abraham
Mohammad Al Zaibak
Derek Allen
James C. Baillie
Marilyn and Charles Baillie
James Balsillie
John C. Bonnycastle
John and Margaret Catto
Michael A. Church
Adrienne Clarkson
Donald W. Cockburn
Margaret E. Cockshutt
William J. Corcoran
Miranda Davies
Pamela Osler Delworth
Peter and Jane Dobell
Barbara C. Eastman
George A. Fierheller
Margaret and Jim Fleck
J. E. Fordyce
Norman Fraser
Robin Fraser and Mary Ellen Hebb
John and Mary Goodwin
William and Catherine Graham
Douglas and Ruth Grant
Mary B. and Graham Hallward
William B. and Patricia Harris
Josephine Heath
William B. G. Humphries
Frederic L. R. (Eric) Jackman
John B. Lawson
John D. (Jack) Leitch
George and Leanne Lewis
Victoria Matthews
E. R. S. McLaughlin*
R. Peter and Virginia McLaughlin
Peter and Melanie Munk
David and Mary (Bosworth) Neelands
Hilary V. Nicholls
Thomas Rahilly and Jean Fraser
Flavia C. Redelmeier
Loretta Rogers

Gary William Ross
Michael and Sheila Royce
William and Meredith Saunderson
Arthur and Susan Scace
Wes Scott
Victor M. Seabrook
Jessica Shelley
Patricia J.S. (Hand) Simpson
Stephen and Jane Smith
Colleen Stanley
Anne E. H. Steacy
Nevil Thomas
Martha J. Tory
Nicola Tory
William I. M. Turner Jr.
Guy and Sandra Upjohn
Bill and Sarah VanderBurgh
Deborah Vernon
William Waters
Gordon Watson*
Jack Whiteside
Colin C. Williams
Michael H. Wilson
P. Michael Wilson
Cosma International Group of
Magna International Inc.
Friends of the Trinity College Library
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation
The Hope Charitable Foundation
J. A. Worrell Fund
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
J.P. Bickell Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
McLaughlin Scholarship Trust Fund
The Samuel W. Stedman Foundation
St. Philip the Apostle Church
Students of Trinity College
The Whiteside Foundation
The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation

Time for Mindful Moment Meditation in the Wellness Room at St. Hilda’s. I’m learning meditation techniques to lower my stress and improve my focus.

Gerald Larkin Society
The following list recognizes our thoughtful alumni and friends who have remembered Trinity College in their estate plans.

Margaret Agar
Alyson Barnett-Cowan
George W. Beal
W. Donald Bean
James Bell
Maia Bhojwani
Robert G. Blackadar*
Norah Bolton
Cindy Bowden
Cynthia Bracewell
William Bradley
Pamela Brook
Carolyn & Robert Buchan
Shirley A. Byrne
Marion D. Cameron
Patricia F. Campbell
Ann Chudleigh
Philip H. Clendenning
Donald W. Cockburn
Penny J. Cole
Lionel T. Colman
Maurice R. Cooke
Patricia R. Cordingley
Martin Cosgrave
Janice L. Davidson
W. Thomas Delworth* and
Pamela Osler Delworth
Corinne S. Deverell*
Sheilagh Dubois
Lewis A. Edgeworth
Mary Jane Edwards
D. P. Mary Eliot*
Christopher English
Mary E. Finlay
Kevin Flynn
Drew A. Foley
Norman Fraser
Robin Fraser & Mary Ellen Hebb
Heather V. Gibson
John T. Gilbert
Kevin Goldthorp
Eleanor Gooday
John and Mary Goodwin
Terry and Ruth Grier
Alice L. Haigh
Michael Hare
Robert W. Hoke
Ruth E. Hood
Ernest Howard
Susan E. M. Huggard
Deone J. Jackman
W. Bruce Jardine
Elizabeth Kilbourn-Mackie
John King
Brad Langford
Margaret S. Large-Cardoso
John B. Lawson
Kirk A. Lee
Jill L. Levenson
Beverley Butler Lewis
Leanne and George Lewis
Patrick and Vicki* Little
George A. Mackie
Margaret O. MacMillan
Marion E. Magee
Helen McFadden
Ivan and Harriet McFarlane
Ross McKean

R. Peter and Virginia McLaughlin
Jane M. H. McMyn
Janice White Melendez
Karen Melville
Virginia Miller
Alan and Flo Morson
Hilary V. Nicholls
Joan E. Northey
J. Geoffrey Nugent
Robert and Dorothea Painter
Peter R. Paterson
Winsor and Ruth Ann Pepall
Jim and Marion Pierce
Terry Pratt
Carolyn Purden Anthony
Judith Ransom
Flavia C. Redelmeier
Patricia D. Roberts
Alwyn G. Robertson
John M. Robertson
Michaele Robertson
Peter C. Roe
Gary William Ross
Michael and Sheila Royce
Alan C. Ryley
Nancy Salter
Roger M. Savory
Karen A. Scherl
Wes Scott
J. Blair Seaborn
Jessica Shelley
Sonja Sinclair
Diane J. Smith
Jane Speakman
Christopher Spencer
Paul Grant Stanwood
Astrid M. Stec
Rick Steinberg
Marc H. J. J. Stevens
Janet E. Stewart
Peter A. Stollery
Margaret Swayze
Burton* and Judith Tait
David M. G. Thomson
James D. Tomlinson
Ann E. Tottenham
Robert G. Tucker
M. Ansley Tucker
E. Patricia Vicari
Margaret and Barrie Vickers
Caritas Fund
Andrew M. Watson
Gordon Watson*
C. Wendy Weaver
Elizabeth A. Wells
William Westfall
Jack Whiteside
John D. Whittall
Jill Willard
Stephen and Rachel Williams
Mary F. Williamson
Robert E. Wilson
Helen M. Woolley
Robert Worthy
Gerald Wright
Heidi Zetzsche

Grateful that I only have to work at the John W. Graham Library part-time because of the bursary I received this year. Thank goodness for donor support!
Tribute Gifts
Generous donations have been made to recognize the following individuals.

Patricia Bronskill
Jennifer Hood
W. David Neelands
Keith Spicer

Kathleen Crompton
Lawrence Heath
Ann MacKay
Joan Rogers
Pat Sutherland
Audrey Tobias
Stephen Traviss
Gordon Watson

Legacy Gifts
The following list recognized bequests in support of Trinity College.
Anonymous (2)
Estate of Margaret H. Bedell
Estate of Alice M. Buscombe
Estate of John W. Duncanson
Estate of John D. Harbron
Estate of John V. Lawyer
Estate of Raymond Pryke
Estate of Mary B. Stedman
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